
Wednesday, October 2, 2013

Free Book Giveaway; Two years later.

My very first blog in August of 2011
To August of 2013.

I began my blogging journey in August 2011. I was one of the very first Education for Life teachers to take the leap of faith after researching how to write a blog for about a year. Actually it was just getting up the nerve to write. Who would read it? What would I call it? Are others even interested in a different point of view when educating the whole child through the Education for Life principles? Would anyone be willing to listen to my inner dialog or chatter about alternative lifestyles? 

 One hundred and fifteen entries later, and well as they say, the rest has been history. Our small group of teachers are now expanding all around the globe. Many of our teachers are expanding on their own blogs.( These are at the side panel on this blog) 
We had our second Education for Life Conference this summer at our Living Wisdom College campus. It has been so wonderful connecting with educators in India, Australia,  England, New York, Oklahoma, Canada, Italy, well there are too many to remember exactly. It has been an exciting time. 

This past month in the history of my blog, I had over 1600 readers. It is mind blogging. Where do you all come from?
This was a record for one month. 

So I would like to thank you for sharing this journey with me. 

I will be having a free drawing  for one of two selected books :
I am attaching the links for you to read a review about each book. 

After one week, I will have a drawing for this book. The only catch is that you have to add your name at the comments below and how I can contact you. This will be so helpful. Please let me know why you would love to receive one of these books? 

Thank you again for reading and returning to my blog. I am humbly grateful and glad that I could share. 

Joy to you,

1 comment:

  1. I am sorry, no one responded for these books? Maybe another time.


Please add your comments. Thank you.