Many times I have been asked about the philosophy at our
Living Wisdom School and how this compares to other systems of teaching. I want to draw you to an excellent article that was written on our
Living Wisdom Website. It compares Waldorf and Montessori education along with the Education for Life system.
Mostly in this blog I am focusing on Early Childhood education and the Foundation years though the Education for Life systematic approach.
Today's set of photos above were taken throughout last week and the overall approach towards balancing all aspects of a young child's life in each lesson.
foundation years from 0 – 6 years old are a critical
period in the development of a child’s life. During this time, a
child’s attitude about the world takes root. Our job is to carefully nurture qualities of curiosity, sensory
awareness, concentration, and compassion so that the children may feel
a deep sense of acceptance towards themselves. By focusing on mental, physical, and spiritual aspects of
development, we foster the child’s cognitive and physical growth while
strengthening the inner qualities of love, kindness and joy. In this
way, the children naturally develop a sense of inner happiness and
Teaching math using the Physical body.
The children are all turning 4 in my classroom and love playing games together. |
The foundation years are also called, the physical years. During this period the children learn through through movement and their bodies. This particular activity we were using dice and cubes. Though on occasion there were fun times where the dice ended up way across the room. Then carefully carried the dice back and counted the dots on the dice.
This game corresponded with number recognition and one to one counting.
children counted their dots on the dice and
then counted out individual unifix cubes. The unifix cubes are shown in the picture above. After counting correctly their cubes, they would manipulate, put into patterns and long towers.
For some of the children they moved continuously as they counted the dots.
That was the main reason for doing this project on the floor. One
of the students was so visual that he could just open his hand and grab the
amount automatically from the pile.
This game
gave me some further insight into which students were my visual learners, which
were my physical learners, and which children were practicing using their will
to make the largest tower. There are many
levels to the game, but today we started out with a simple counting game. The next level is to teach patterns and adding two dice together.
In my
classroom I set my goals for drawing out certain inner qualities that the
children can experience from each lesson. Today the lesson was calling forth
patience and cooperation in waiting for their turn.
Teaching Art through Feeling and Will Power During the Physical Years.
Often I ask the children, "What is
happening to the animals in the wintertime?"
It is one of my favorite times of the year with many beautiful memories.
I have explored with children the wonder of the bald eagles, beavers, northwest owls and crows. Working with young children you just never know what might happen or which animal calls to their inner natures.
This is the picture book that I use every year to introduce the concepts of habitats, animals, humans, weather and food. The children love the story, Stranger in the Woods.
This week we finished creating our felted animal masks. Each child made a different animal from the winter forest in the picture book. We play several games using our masks, creating stories and homes for the animals.
Teaching art through the feeling and the use of their own will power. |
In the picture above selected a winter animal picture that was clipped beside their poster paper. They began drawing with a pencil the animal that that they had chosen. (There are several steps leading up to this assignment. The children the week before had really practiced their circle drawings.)
They mixed their own colors using a color wheel and added texture to their backgrounds using sponges or several types of brushes. This particular activity is a way to balance the heart's natural love for animals. If a child becomes agitated at any particular moment, we change directions or complete the painting the next day. But
even if it takes several days, I always want the children to finish a painting project. Will Power is taught at an early age to develop persevering and to conclude something that one has initially attempted. As children grow older I talk to them about how many master artists work on more than one painting at a time
and may work for months and years to complete one painting.
There is a deep profound lesson that I have seen over the
past 7 years that I have taught children how to use their own will power to achieve something that they have started. It is amazing and brings tears to my eyes each time. Each
one of these young children has such intelligence and wonder they can access if
we can just begin to grasp their attention and guide them through the process
of becoming self-achievers. In this activity, they often break through their
own fears and explore deep within themselves the ability to achieve what they
set their minds to do.
Feeling inner joy |
On this particular morning, our
hearts were open to creating snowmen. It
was our first day back from school after a Northwest winter snow storm. This
particular morning we shared many snow family stories and had a joyful time
with our winter play dough. This exercise
was also taken from our picture story book, "Who's hiding in the woods."
"Joy doesn't come from outside myself but from within oneself."
These children were feeling their inner joy today.
Teaching Gratitude, Detachment to any Certain Outcome and Will Power
during the Physical Years.
The last
activity I want to share with you today for children in the physical years is a game to help them flow with the ups and
downs of life, learning perseverance, gratitude and detachment from any certain
outcome. This was the first time I had actually done this particular game using
puzzles. I had for many years done it with art materials, but now I thought to
experiment with puzzles. One of our inner qualities we are addressing this month is perseverance.
I set out six puzzles for six children. We started to play soft music in the
background. They quickly began to focus in on completing their own puzzle. When
the music stopped, they were to stop and go to their neighbor’s chair and
complete their puzzle. When they finished a puzzle, they could dump it out and
start over. This was interesting to watch the children. Some of them
completed their own puzzle quickly and were eager to get to the next station.
Others did not want to move, or complete the game at all. Two children ran around the table after most of the children
had left, eager to complete all the puzzles while helping each other. One
student wanted me to take photos of him with all his puzzles to show his mom
how well he had completed them.
It was a joyful experiment for me to watch and to observe each child. As a
teacher, I am always looking for ways to help children uplift their feeling energy. I often have the time to ask myself during a planned
activity, "Where are their strengths and how can I build upon those
Education for Life philosophy
has given me the tools to tune into each individual child’s energy and
readiness and respond sensitively at any given moment. This sensitivity is particularly important
during the physical years, so I am truly humbled and grateful to be able to use
such an effective philosophy.